Preventing Condensation, Stopping Drafts and Other Challenges With Windows

Windows are the eyes to a house's soul – if your windows are big and beautiful so too is your home, but they can also include a range of challenges as well. With sub par windows, you can look forward to a drafty home with high heating bills. Similarly, there are also moisture issues – for example, if you don't seal the space between your double panes securely enough, you will get a build up of condensation. Having lived in old houses and having helped choose the windows for new houses, I'm familiar with a range of challenges associated with windows. If you want tips and ideas, you've come to the right spot. Please, explore and enjoy.

Signs You Already Have Energy-Efficient Windows On Your Home


If you are thinking about purchasing energy-efficient windows, you might be looking at your old windows to see if you really need to replace all of them. There are some telltale signs that you already have energy efficient windows. If that is the case, you may need to consider either replacing certain windows in your home or updating all the energy-efficient windows you have. Look for the following characteristics of the modern and updated version of energy-efficient windows to see if your old windows need replacing or updating. 

Aluminum Casings Vs. Vinyl Casings

Vinyl, or plastic casings, surround older windows. They were the replacement material after wooden-framed windows became too inefficient. Aluminum casings are the updated version and have been insulated well enough to make energy-efficient windows even better. Because they are aluminum instead of plastic/vinyl, they also last a lot longer and will not deteriorate or crack in hot sun or extreme cold. 

Double- Or Triple-Pane Glass

Triple-pane windows are the most energy-efficient product you can buy. They are two panes of glass with a third pane between, and in between each two panes there is argon gas, or another low-E gas filling up the space. If you already have both aluminum casings and triple-pane, there is not much room for improvement.

Then there is double-pane glass, which consists of two panes and the gas between the two panes. They are energy efficient, but not as much or as the triple-pane glass. If you have double-pane windows with aluminum frames, you could upgrade to the triple-pane and aluminum ones for maximum efficiency. If you have vinyl casings with double-pane windows, you should consider upgrading, especially if the vinyl is cracking on the outside of the window frames. If you only have single-pane glass, you really should replace all of these windows. 

Sealing Gaskets Vs. No Sealing Gaskets

There should be sealing gaskets around the window sashes. The gaskets reduce the loss of cooled or heated air from inside. Without the gaskets, you will have a lot of drafts and escaping air, not to mention condensation on the windows and/or ice in the winters. Even the best frames and best number of panes of glass can be ineffective if the sealing gaskets are missing. Hold your hand or a lit candle near the window to see if you can feel drafts or see the flame of the candle flickering when it should not be. 


29 May 2019